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Women talk about harassment in documentary recorded on streets of São Paulo

The film, entitled “Precisamos falar do assédio” (“We need to talk
Flávia Albuquerque reports from Agência Brasil
Published on 08/03/2016 - 19:27
São Paulo
São Paulo - A van-estúdio do projeto Precisamos falar do assédio, onde mulheres são convidadas a gravar depoimentos sobre qualquer tipo de desrespeito sofrido, estacionada na Praça do Patriarca  (Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil)
© Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil
São Paulo - A van-estúdio do projeto Precisamos falar do assédio, onde mulheres são convidadas a gravar depoimentos sobre qualquer tipo de desrespeito sofrido, estacionada na Praça do Patriarca (Rovena Rosa/Agênc

Until March 11, during the Women's Week, a staff will record statements that will be made into a documentary to simultaneously projected on outdoors buildings and city walls. The film, entitled “Precisamos falar do assédio” (“We need to talk about harassment,” in a literal translation), will also be available on the internet at the website: www.precisamosfalardoassedio.com.br. Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil

A mobile TV studio is traveling around São Paulo city to take statements from women who had suffered any kind of harassment. Until March 11, during the Women's Week, a staff will record statements that will be made into a documentary to simultaneously projected on outdoors buildings and city walls. The film, entitled “Precisamos falar do assédio” (“We need to talk about harassment,” in a literal translation), will also be available on the internet at the website: www.precisamosfalardoassedio.com.br.

Journalist and documentary director Paula Sacchetta, working at Mira Movies film producer, which conceived the project, said the intensification of feminist campaigns on social networks at the end of last year sparked the desire to address the issue. "More than that, the idea was to turn the project into a movement and to extensively discuss the issue. We also wanted it all to have an urban feel, so we made this mobile studio. "

São Paulo - A van-estúdio do projeto Precisamos falar do assédio, onde mulheres são convidadas a gravar depoimentos sobre qualquer tipo de desrespeito sofrido, estacionada na Praça do Patriarca (Rovena Rosa/Agênc

Those who prefer not to be identified can put one of the masks available on the face and put distortion to the voice with a voice changer. Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil

To record the statements, Sachetta said she chose to make participants comfortable and leave them alone in the van where the studio is mounted. Those who prefer not to be identified can put one of the masks available on the face and put distortion to the voice with a voice changer. "The masks were especially designed for the project and set out the reasons for not wanting to show the face: fear, anger, sadness, and shame. We want to highlight that they are hiding their face due to very strong feelings for them."

Outside the van, a representative of the Municipal Secretariat of Policies for Women will advise women and send those who are interested to special assistance.

According to the film director, they have not established the limit of harassment definition. "Each woman will give their feeling about harassment. It can range from wolf-whistle to rape. It is about any kind of violence against women."

Impressive statements

Paula Sachetta reported that the statements impressed her. "The project served to raise women's awareness of the violence they suffer!,” she declared.

Nursing assistant Maria José Feitosa reported that she has worked on the morning shift for 8 years and therefore she used to leave home at 5am. "One day there was only a young man and me on the street. He began to spit very harsh words out and took his clothes off. My reactions at the moment were to scream, swear, be afraid and run away. I freeze just to report it. I faced all the risks, but at the moment I only thought of defending myself. "

According to her, it was difficult to talk about the issue for a while from shame. She has not told even her husband about it, fearing she would worry him, because he worked late at night. "So I changed my work shift to leave home at night and arrive in the morning, because I thought I would face lower risks." After the incident, she changed all her habits and still has fear.

Translated by Amarílis Anchieta

Fonte: Women talk about harassment in documentary recorded on streets of São Paulo