Brazil unveils initiatives for LGBTQIA+ Rights

At a ceremony held at the Planalto presidential palace on Tuesday (Jun. 27) to celebrate International LGBTQIA+ Pride Day, a series of initiatives aimed at promoting and safeguarding the rights of LGBTQIA+ individuals was announced. They include the '10 Commitments for the Protection of LGBTQIA+ Rights,' which have been endorsed by federal agencies and transportation app companies. As a symbol of support, public buildings have been illuminated with the colors of the LGBTQIA+ flag."
The agreement encompasses blanks within the transportation apps to report instances of discrimination, along with protocols for supporting victims of LGBTphobia. Furthermore, campaigns targeting phobic content, incitement to violence, and hate speech are planned.
Among other unveiled initiatives were: a booklet providing information on combating violence against LGBTQIA+ women, a postage stamp issued by the Post Office in honor of "LGBTQIA+ Pride," a public notice by the Federal Data Processing Service (Serpro) to select a project promoting the inclusion of the transgender and transvestite community in the digital realm, and a call for the implementation of employment practices conducive to this segment of the population.
Minister of Human Rights and Citizenship Silvio Almeida emphasized the vital role of the LGBTQIA+ community in Brazil's progress. "The LGBTQIA+ population is a fundamental part of Brazil. If the country fails to recognize this, we cannot truly call ourselves a nation. LGBTQIA+ pride is national pride—Brazilian pride."
Paulo Pimenta, the Minister of the government’s Social Communication Secretariat (Secom), stressed the need to foster unity and commitment in the defense of LGBTQIA+ rights. "The challenge of building a more inclusive nation falls upon each and every one of us," he added.