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Exhibition features 240 black artists from all Brazilian states

The display is coming to Petrópolis, in Rio de Janeiro state
Ana Cristina Campos
Published on 05/05/2024 - 09:00
Rio de Janeiro
Dos Brasis é a maior exposição de artistas negros já feita no país. - Waleff Dias - Sem título, da série Até os Filhos do Urubu Nascem Brancos, 2019 - Foto: Divulgação/Sesc
© Divulgação/SESC

Brazil’s most comprehensive exhibition exclusively featuring black artists, Dos Brasis – Arte e Pensamento Negro (“On Brazils – Black Art and Thought”) brings together works by 240 artists.

After drawing over 130 thousand visitors in São Paulo over the course of seven months, the display is arriving at the Sesc Quitandinha Cultural Center in Petrópolis, in the mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro state, on May 3, and should run until October 27.

The result of a nationwide plan by Brazil’s Social Service of Commerce (Sesc), the show comprises seven sections with artists from all Brazilian states, curated by Igor Simões in partnership with Lorraine Mendes and Marcelo Campos. The pieces showcase a wide range of formats, from painting and photography to sculpture and installations, dating from the late 18th century to the 21st century.

All 314 works that were on display in São Paulo will occupy the halls of the monumental area of the 80-year-old building. A portion of the items—some previously unseen—will be exhibited outdoors and by the adjoining lake. The show will also offer the public cultural mediation, including talks with guests.

Dos Brasis é a maior exposição de artistas negros já feita no país. - Maria Auxiliadora. A Prearação das Meninas, 1972 -  Foto: Diogo Barros/Div Sesc
Dos Brasis is Brazil’s most comprehensive exhibition exclusively featuring black artists - Diogo Barros/Sesc

The exhibition, Simões pointed out, serves to demonstrate that any debate on art in the country must take into account the production of 57 percent of Brazilians.

“The fact that it’s taking place in 2024 is both a cause for celebration and consternation. Establishing the instrumental role of Afro-Brazilian art in any discussion on art in Brazil is one of the main objectives of this exhibition. It is undeniable that the people who make up the majority of Brazil want to see themselves. They want to see what they have delivered to the world in terms of artistic and aesthetic thinking across different media,” he argued.

The selection

Efforts to reach such a large number of black artists can be divided into two stages. First, on-site research was carried out across all regions of Brazil with the participation of Sesc in each state. The initiative entailed activities like lectures, portfolio readings, and exhibitions. Special attention was paid so the search was not limited to major urban centers.

The second phase was an online artistic residency program, which received over 450 applications and selected 150 residents, bringing together and offering classes to artists, educators, curators, and critics.