Government announces efforts to step up power generation

Angra Nuclear Power Plant
Following power outages Monday (Jan. 19) in 11 states and the Federal District, the government is working to improve power generation in Brazil. According to the Minister of Mines and Energy, Eduardo Braga, the power network in the Southeast should get a 1,500-megawatt (MW) boost.
The government response includes rushing Petrobras thermal power stations currently under maintenance back into operation. By February 18, the government plans to increase their capacity by 867MW. Also, Itaipu Dam should be contributing an extra 300 MW; Northeastern plants should add over 400MW capacity to the Southeast and Central West, and the Angra 1 Nuclear Power Plant [in the Southeast] will be resynced for an additional partial output between 100MW-200MW. “We are boosting our systems for greater reliability,” the minister said.
He pointed out that the power scenario in Brazil was adversely impacted by delays in power plant projects in North Brazil. “If Belo Monte had already become operational, if the Jirau works hadn't been set on fire, if it wasn't for the issues at Santo Antônio – had all projects been running on schedule, we wouldn't be experiencing all this now.”
Braga went on to note Brazil has been facing adverse rainfall conditions and the dam reservoirs have been under severe strain in the past couple of years. “These reservoirs began [operations in] 2015 at even lower water levels, and rains in January have been extremely scarce – especially where they were most expected. But God is Brazilian so let's all hope he will drop us a little rain to give us further relief,” the minister concluded.
Translated by Mayra Borges
Fonte: Government announces efforts to step up power generation