Government looking to resume oil rig production

The government’s efforts are aimed at retaining jobs in the oil and shipyard industries
The Minister of Mines and Energy, Eduardo Braga, met Monday (July 20) with representatives from state-run Brazilian banks – Banco do Brasil, Brazilian Savings Bank (Caixa), and Brazilian Economic and Social Development Bank (BNDES) – as well as representatives from Petrobras and shipyard contractors of Sete Brasil oil investment company to produce oil drilling rigs. According to the minister, “the outlook is positive” for resuming equipment production.

Minister Eduardo Braga
The minister said that the government’s efforts in the oil industry are aimed at “retaining jobs in the oil and gas and shipyard industries.” He pointed out, however, that production is not likely to be resumed at the same demand levels it had in the past. “Recent events and the new oil prices have led to a resizing of the scale of orders placed not only with Sete Brasil but across the oil industry,” he explained.
Sete Brasil is among contractors investigated for corruption as part of Federal Police Operation Car Wash. It is suspected of paying kickbacks to Petrobras directors for contracts to build 28 oil drilling rigs. The case has put the company in cash difficulties that caused it to fail on its payments to shipyards from November 2014, which directly impacted contracted equipment production.
Translated by Mayra Borges
Fonte: Government looking to resume oil rig production