Car sales fell 26.6% and production dropped 22.8% in 2015

Car sales fell 26.6% in 2015, when 2.57 million units were sold. In 2014, 3.50 million units had been sold. According to data released Thursday (Jan. 7) in São Paulo by the National Association of Vehicle Manufacturers (ANFAVEA), in December 2015, 227,800 units were traded, 16.7% more than in November (195,200). Compared with December 2014, when 370,000 vehicles had been sold, there was a drop of 38.4%.
In 2015, production fell 22.8% (2.43 million) compared with the previous year, when production reached 3.15 million. In December 2015, 142,900 units were produced, compared with December 2014 (204,000), there was a drop of 30.0%.
"Sales in 2015 are equivalent to 2007, which means that they had an eight-year decrease in trading. The drop of nearly 48% in the truck segment and almost 39% in the buses segment attracted attention. This year has not been positive due to political issues that have influenced a lot the consumer's confidence and highly contaminated the economy," said ANFAVEA's President Luiz Moan.
In 2015, 416,900 units have been export, up 24.8% compared with the previous year, when 334,200 units were sold in foreign markets.
In figures, however, exports declined 8.7% in the year reaching $10.4 million. "The drop in values happened for a mix [of reasons], because we export [vehicle] parts for a higher price than we had in 2014." said Moan.
According to him, the sector closed the year with 130,000 direct employees, down 10.2% compared with 2014.
"We are between 2009 and 2010, clearly demonstrating the industry's concern for maintaining the highest level of employment, which we consider fundamental. For that reason, we sought throughout the year to approve an additional protection [for the employee], the Employment Protection Program (PPE), which we have been using the most. To get an idea, we closed the year with 5,100 employees on lay-off and 35,600 in PPE. "
ANFAVEA estimates that in 2016 production will become stable, growing 0.5%, while domestic sales may fall 7.5% and exports of vehicle units increase 8.1% (light commercial vehicles, 7.7%; and heavy vehicles, 12.4%).
Translated by Amarílis Anchieta
Fonte: Car sales fell 26.6% and production dropped 22.8% in 2015