Brazilian state makes crucial move toward exporting pork to South Korea

“It is such great news that South Korea has approved pork imports from Santa Catarina, Maggi said
South Korea has authorized its businesses to import pork products made in the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina. The state was recognized to meet South Korea's sanitary requirements and became an approved exporter in mid-March, but the announcement from Brazil's Agriculture Minister Blairo Maggi came Tuesday (April 4).
“It is such great news that South Korea has approved pork imports from Santa Catarina. It is the only foot-and-mouth disease-free Brazilian state without vaccination. My compliments to them” Maggi said on the occasion of the 33rd Ordinary Meeting of the Southern Agricultural Council (CAS) in Buenos Aires.
According to Santa Catarina State Secretariat for Agriculture and Fisheries, exports are still pending approval of meat packers interested in selling their products to South Korea. This final step in the negotiations that began in 2016 is expected to be completed with a visit of technical experts from the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency and the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety of South Korea to plants in Santa Catarina in May 10-27.
In a statement, Agriculture and Fisheries Secretary Carlos Adauto Virmond celebrated the arrangements for the technical visit as an important step in completing the lengthy negotiation.
“The upcoming mission has been confirmed at a crucial moment for Santa Catarina, and will provide a great opportunity to show South Korea and the world our commitment to animal health, sanitary inspection and the quality of our products,” Virmond said.
*With additional reporting by Paulo Victor Chagas.
Translated by Mayra Borges
Fonte: Brazilian state makes crucial move toward exporting pork to South Korea