Brazil creates 77.8 thousand job posts, best result since 2012

In January, Brazil created 77.822 thousand formal job posts, according to official figures released Friday (Mar. 2). This is the best performance for the period since 2012, and the first time since 2014 admissions outnumber dismissals. The balance comes as a result of 1.3 million workers recruited and 1.2 million people let go.
Taking the last 12 months into account, from February 2017 to January this year, 83.5 thousand formal job posts were created. The last report, showing data for 2017, indicated that Brazil closed out last year with a negative number: 20.8 thousand positions were terminated.
The average salary of dismissed workers in January stood at $501.75 (corrected for inflation). The salary of hired professionals, however, was lower—$470.81.
In January, manufacturing industry is reported to have led job generation with 49.5 thousand new posts, followed by services, with 46.5 thousand.
As for agriculture, 15.6 thousand jobs were created, compared to some 15 thousand in construction, and 1.1 thousand in industrial services for public use.
At the other end, trade saw the steepest decline in the number of positions—48.7 thousand fewer openings. In public Administrations, cuts totaled 802, compared to 351 in mining.
Translated by Fabrício Ferreira
Fonte: Brazil creates 77.8 thousand job posts, best result since 2012