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Petrobras cuts gasoline, diesel prices in Brazil

Fuel hikes had sparked protests across the country
Vitor Abdala
Published on 23/05/2018 - 18:14
Rio de Janeiro

Brazil’s state-controlled oil giant announced the reduction in gasoline and diesel prices at its refineries for the second day in a row today (May 23). The price of gasoline is set to slip 0.62% tomorrow (24).

In two days, accumulated falls reached 2.69% for gasoline, 2.67% for diesel. Nonetheless, gasoline underwent total hikes of 12.95% in May, and 16.76% in 30 days. Increases for diesel add up to 9.34% in May, and 15.16% in 30 days.

High fuel prices are the main reason for countrywide rallies staged by truck drivers, which started late on Monday evening (20).


Caminhoneiros protestam contra elevação no preço do diesel na rodovia BR-040, em Duque de Caxias.
Truck drivers protest against high diesel prices in Rio de Janeiro. - Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil