Renewable sources generated 88% of energy in Brazil in June
Renewable energy sources accounted for 81.9 percent of Brazil’s installed capacity of energy generation and 87.8 percent of the country’s total production in June. The figures can be found in the Boletim de Monitoramento do Sistema Elétrico (Electric System Monitoring Report), released Thursday (Aug. 16) by the Ministry of Mines and Energy.
Brzail’s total installed capacity of electric energy generation reached 160,381 megawatts in June, also considering the data for distributed generation—when the source is directly connected to the distribution network or kept with consumers themselves.
Water is still the country’s number one source of energy—63.7 percent of the energy produced in June.
Next comes energy produced in biomass plants, which make energy through organic fuels, like sugarcane bagasse, rice husk, and wood waste. This source has seen a steady rise and is used for today in 561 plants.
Wind farm, in turn, account for 8.1 percent of the energy produced in June. Solar plants totaled one percent.