Brazil gov’t unveils measures for truck drivers
The Brazilian government is expected to announce new measures directed at the freight sector Tuesday (Apr. 16). The topic was discussed during a meeting held at the Planalto presidential palace Monday afternoon (15), the president’s advisers told the press.
The meeting was attended by the president’s Chief of Staff Onyx Lorenzoni, Economy Minister Paulo Guedes, Infrastructure Minister Tarcísio Gomes, Mines and Energy Minister Bento Albuquerque, head of the government’s secretariat Santos Cruz, and Floriano Peixoto, from the Secretariat-General, in addition to Petrobras CEO Roberto Castello Branco, and National Oil Agency (ANP) Director-General Décio Oddone. Joaquim Levy, president of the National Economic and Social Development Bank (BNDES) took part in the assembly through video.
“The issues debated will be brought to the people’s knowledge during a press conference slated for tomorrow [Tuesday], [April] 16, at 11 am, at the Planalto Palace, where some of the ministers who attended the meeting this afternoon [April 15] will be present. On the occasion, some measures adopted by the government will be announced in response to the demands of the road transport sector,” the note from the president’s press office reads.
The introduction of new measures for truckers comes days after Petrobras suspended a 5.7 percent rise in the price of diesel at refineries, at the request of President Jair Bolsonaro. In May last year, truck drivers staged a countrywide strike, causing a significant impact on distribution of foods and supplies, leading to losses in a number of productive sectors.