Brazil gov’t unveils 115 assets for auctions and concessions in 2021

The Brazilian government has unveiled new privatization projects. The Council of the Program for Partnerships and Investments (PPI) of the country’s Economy Ministry, this Wednesday (Dec. 2) presented a portfolio with 115 assets for auctions and concession plans for the private enterprise in 2021, expected to generate $70 billion.
The announcement was made after the council’s 14th meeting, on Wednesday, chaired by Economy Minister Paulo Guedes and joined by President Jair Bolsonaro.
Among the projects is the privatization of nine state-run companies: Eletrobras, Agência Brasileira Gestora de Fundos Garantidores e Garantias (ABGF), Empresa Gestora de Ativos (Engea), CeasaMinas, Empresa de Trens Urbanos de Porto Alegre (Trensurb), Companhia Brasileira de Trens Urbanos de Minas Gerais (CBTU-MG), Correios, Companhia Docas do Espírito Santo (Codesa), and Nuclebrás Equipamentos Pesados (Nuclep).
Also included are concessions for 16 ports, among which that of Santos (in São Paulo state) and Paranaguá (Paraná); six roads, most notably Via Dutra, linking Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo; 24 airports, including a new concession for Viracopos (São Paulo) and São Gonçalo do Amarante (Rio Grande do Norte); six parks and forests, oil and gas events, and mining rights.
New projects
On Wednesday, the council also incorporated onto the list of privatizations 58 new assets, in addition to a concession for Ferrovia Malha Oeste, auctions for electric energy transmission and generation, and support for the environmental licensing of hydroelectric power plants and sustainable treatment concessions for forests in Amazonas state.