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Employer has until Monday to pay suspended FGTS installment

Delay helped companies during second wave of pandemic
Wellton Máximo - Repórter da Agência Brasil
Published on 02/09/2021 - 19:53
carteira de trabalho
© Agência Brasília

About 100 thousand employers who adhered to the suspension of payment of the Guarantee Fund for Employees (FGTS), between May and August, will have to pay the first installment of the payments postponed until next Monday (6). Suspended payments will be paid in installments until December 2021.

Implemented by Provisional Measure 1.046/21 , the suspension for four months of payment of contributions to the FGTS was taken to help companies affected by the second wave of the covid-19 pandemic. According to Caixa, the measure contributed to the preservation of 7 million jobs.

You can consult the amounts due and issue payment slips on the platform www.conecttividadesocial.caixa.gov.br . According to the bank, R$5.9 billion were not collected from the FGTS in the last four months.

Employers who are not up to date with the FGTS will not be able to issue the FGTS Regularity Certificate – CRF. In cases where the payment takes place after the due date, there will be charges. Caixa recommends that employers access the bank's electronic address, in advance, to obtain all the necessary information.

Text translated using artificial intelligence.