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Dubai: Brazil expects to attract $10 bi in direct investment

Brazil’s pavilion received 12 thousand visits in three days
Vitor Abdala
Published on 04/10/2021 - 12:31
Pavilhão Brasil na Expo Dubai 2020.
© Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

The Brazilian Agency for the Promotion of Exports and Investment (Apex-Brasil) reported that, with Brazil’s participation in Expo 2020 in Dubai, the country hopes to attract $10 billion in foreign direct investment and generate $500 million in exports.

The Brazilian pavilion at Expo 2020 received 12,795 visitors in the first three days of global exhibit, which opened to the public last Friday (Oct. 1) in Dubai, in the Arab Emirates.

The Brazilian structure is located near the entrance of Sustainability and attracted a large number of visitors in search of the refreshment in the desert heat, as its main attraction is a shallow pool of water on which visitors can walk.

Brazil is among the 192 countries attending the event, which should end in March 2022. The structure, with the shape of an immense white cube, cost $25 million to be built.

It is still not possible to estimate how much operations should cost at the pavilion—which will also serve as a space for welcoming government authorities and Brazilian companies. In addition to the pool, facilities include a cafeteria and an exhibition salon, which currently features a photo exhibit of Brazil, promoted by Embratur, the state-run company tasked with the promotion of international tourism in the country.