Revenue Paid Today November IRPF Residual Lot Refunds
The Internal Revenue Service pays this Tuesday (30) the refunds of the residual batch of refund of the Income Tax of Individuals (IRPF) for the month of November 2021. The batch also includes residual refunds from previous years. According to the Revenue, the bank credit for 260,412 taxpayers will be in the total amount of R$ 450 million.
In addition to taxpayers who have legal priority, such as the elderly, people with a physical or mental disability or serious illness and those whose main source of income is teaching, there are also 199,668 non-priority taxpayers in this batch who delivered the declaration by the last day 9.
The refund payment is made directly to the bank account informed in the Income Tax Declaration. If, for some reason, the credit is not made (for example, the account informed was deactivated), the amounts will be available for redemption for up to one year at Banco do Brasil. In this case, the citizen may reschedule the credit of the amounts in a simple and quick way through the BB Portal, or by calling the BB Relationship Center through the telephones 4004-0001 (capitals), 0800-729-0001 (other locations) and 0800 -729-0088 (special telephone only for the hearing impaired).
"If the taxpayer does not redeem the amount of his refund within a year, he must request it through the e-CAC Portal, available on the IRS website, accessing the Declarations and Statements > My Income Tax menu and clicking "Request refund not redeemed in the banking network”, explained the Revenue.
Refund query
To find out if the refund is available, the taxpayer must access the Revenue page on the internet , select My Income Tax and then Consult the refund. The page presents guidelines and service delivery channels, allowing a simplified or complete consultation of the declaration status, through the processing extract, accessed on the e-CAC.
If a pending item is identified in the declaration, the taxpayer can rectify it, correcting the information that may be wrong.
The Revenue Service also makes available an application for tablets and smartphones , which makes it possible to consult directly in the Federal Revenue's databases information on the release of IRPF refunds and the registration status of an enrollment in the CPF.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.