Caixa pays Auxílio Brasil for beneficiaries with final NIS 3
The Brazil Aid for beneficiaries with a Social Registration Number (NIS) ending 3 will be paid by Caixa Econômica Federal, paid this Tuesday (14).
A provisional measure published on the 7th, in an extra edition of the Diário Oficial da União, brought forward the payment of the new amount of the Brazilian Aid. The instrument created an extraordinary benefit that complements the already planned installments of the aid for the amount of R$400. In other words, each family receives at least R$400.
According to the Ministry of Citizenship, of the total of 14.5 million families served in November by the new social program of the federal government, 13 million received less than R$ 400. In November, the average value of Auxílio Brasil was R$ 224.41 .
The payment dates follow the model of the old Bolsa Família, which paid beneficiaries on the last ten working days of the month. In December, due to the Christmas holiday, payments go up to 23, with a week in advance of the regular calendar.
NIS final 1 | December 10th |
NIS final 2 | December 13th |
NIS final 3 | December 14th |
NIS final 4 | December 15th |
NIS final 5 | December 16th |
NIS final 6 | December 17th |
NIS final 7 | December 20 |
NIS final 8 | December 21 |
NIS final 9 | December 22nd |
NIS final 0 | December 23 |
Beneficiaries can consult information on payment dates, the benefit amount and the composition of installments in two applications: Auxílio Brasil, developed for the social program, and the Caixa Tem application, used to monitor the bank's digital savings accounts.
Basic benefits
The new social program has three basic benefits and six supplementary benefits, which can be added if the beneficiary gets a job or has a child who excels in sports competitions or in scientific and academic competitions.
Families with a per capita income of up to R$100, considered to be in a situation of extreme poverty, and those with a per capita income of up to R$200, considered to be in poverty, can receive Brazilian Aid.
Agência Brasil has created a guide to questions and answers about Auxílio Brasil. Among the doubts that the beneficiary can answer are the criteria for joining the social program, the nine different types of benefits and what happened to Bolsa Família and emergency aid, which ran until October.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.