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Check the INSS payment schedule for 2022

Deposits will follow the sequence of previous years
Agência Brasil
Published on 06/12/2021 - 10:22
Prédio da Caixa Econômica Federal
© Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

The more than 36 million beneficiaries of the National Social Security Institute (INSS) can already check the date of depositing benefits throughout 2022.

For those earning a minimum wage, January deposits will be made between January 25th and February 7th. Policyholders with monthly income above the national floor will have their payments credited from February 1st.

How to consult

The deposits will follow the sequence of previous years, with a calendar for those who receive a minimum wage and another for those who earn more. For each category, payment dates will be determined by the final card number, for those that were recently awarded. According to the INSS, for those who have had the benefit for some time, the date they usually receive is valid.

Each benefit paid by the INSS is composed of a unique numbering and follows a 10-digit pattern: Benefit Number (NB): 999,999,999-9

The number to be observed is the penultimate digit, without considering the last check digit that appears after the dash.

Calendário de pagamento de benefícios do INSS em 2022
INSS benefit payment schedule in 2022 - Disclosure/INSS

Text translated using artificial intelligence.