Inep publishes official Enem feedbacks; check out

The National Institute of Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) released this Wednesday (1st) the official templates of the National High School Exam (Enem). Templates and notebooks for the two days of examination, including accessible tests, applied to those entitled to specialized care, are available on the institute's website. The Enem was applied on the 21st and 28th of November .
“It is important that the participant is attentive to check the feedback regarding the color, number and format of the test held on each application Sunday”, highlighted Inep, through a note. The forecast is that the Enem results will be released on February 11 , 2022. For coaches – 1st or 2nd grade high school students – the individual bulletin will be published 60 days after the date.
On the first day, participants resolved items on languages, codes and their technologies and human sciences and their technologies, in addition to writing the essay, with the theme Invisibility and civil registration: guaranteeing access to citizenship in Brazil. On the second day, the tests were on natural sciences and its technologies and on mathematics and its technologies.
question canceled
According to Inep, a question of the math test and its technologies was canceled, but the fact does not compromise the process of estimating the participants' grades.
"This is because the statistical calculation of the Enem score, according to the Item Response Theory (TRI) methodology, considers the combination of the response pattern coherence with the assumption of cumulativeness and also the characteristics (parameters of complexity) of each item”.
The number corresponding to the canceled question varies depending on the type of notebook, as follows:
Notebook: | Number: |
Yellow | question 178 |
Blue | question 138 |
Gray | question 155 |
pink | question 157 |
orange and green | question 178 |
The exam
Enem assesses the academic performance of students at the end of basic education. Public and private educational institutions use the test to select students. The results are used as a single or complementary criterion in the selection processes, in addition to serving as parameters for accessing government aid, such as that provided by the Student Financing Fund (Fies).
The individual results of Enem can also be used in selective processes of Portuguese institutions that have an agreement with Inep. The agreements guarantee easy access to the grades of Brazilian students interested in studying higher education in Portugal.
TV Brasil , Agência Brasil and Rádio Nacional participated in the correction of Enem 2021 questions with teachers and experts in the most traditional program about Enem, Caiu no Enem . Check out the two editions:
first day of exams
second day of exams
Check below the templates for both days of the 2021 printed Enem:
The other templates can be found on the official Enem 2021 page .
Text translated using artificial intelligence.