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President regulates gas aid and Programa Alimenta Brasil

Women who have been victims of domestic violence will be given
Agência Brasil
Published on 02/12/2021 - 17:25
 O presidente da República, Jair Bolsonaro, assina o decreto que dispõe sobre a aquisição, o cadastro, o registro, a posse, o porte e a comercialização de armas - SINARM e SIGMA.
© Wilson Dias/Agência Brasil

President Jair Bolsonaro issued this Thursday (2) a decree that regulates Law 14.237/21, which institutes gas assistance. The text details rules necessary for the operationalization of the program, aimed at attenuating the effect of the price of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) on the budget of low-income families.

The aid will be granted to families registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico) whose monthly per capita family income is equal to or less than half the minimum wage and to families that have, among their members, those who receive the Continuous Cash Benefit (BPC) . The edition of the decree enables the implementation of the benefit from this month.

The law also provides that assistance is preferably granted to families with women victims of domestic violence who are under monitoring of urgent protective measures. In this sense, the decree defines that such concession will be carried out based on access to information from the database maintained by the National Council of Justice (CNJ).

The beneficiary families will be entitled, every two months, to an amount equivalent to 50% of the average national reference price for a 13-kilogram (kg) cylinder in the last six months. The reference price will be established by the National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP).

Programa Alimenta Brasil

Bolsonaro also issued a decree today that regulates the operation of Alimenta Brasil, a program for the purchase of food from family farmers, extractivists, artisanal fishermen, indigenous peoples and other traditional populations. The text also expands the limit of resources that each family entity or cooperative can receive from the government.

"It is not acceptable that in this Brazil of knowledge there are still Brazilians and Brazilians going hungry. Hunger is not silent, it hurts," stated the Minister of Citizenship, João Roma, during the ceremony for signing the decree.

According to the decree, as of January 1, 2022, the annual limit on amounts paid to family units for the purchase of food will increase compared to the old program, as follows:

Modality PPA (old) feeds Brazil
Purchase with simultaneous donation BRL 6.5 thousand BRL 12 thousand
direct purchase BRL 8 thousand BRL 12 thousand
Incentive to the production and consumption of milk annual value for the sale of 35 liters of milk per day BRL 30 thousand
Support for building stocks BRL 8 thousand BRL 12 thousand
institutional purchase BRL 20 thousand BRL 30 thousand

For cooperatives, the annual limit to be paid will also be increased in terms of support for building stock, which will increase from R$ 1.5 million to R$ 2 million; and direct purchase, from R$500 thousand to R$2 million. In the other modalities, the limits will be maintained: purchase with simultaneous donation, with R$ 2 million; and institutional purchase, with BRL 6 million.

The aim of the Programa Alimenta Brasil is to encourage family farming, promoting the economic and social inclusion of the poorest family farmers, in addition to promoting access to food, in the necessary quantity, quality and regularity, by people in situations of food and nutritional insecurity.

Text translated using artificial intelligence.