Small businesses behind 76% of new jobs in Brazil

A survey from the Brazilian Service of Support for Micro and Small Businesses (Sebrae) found that micro and small companies are still Brazil’s top generators of new job posts. According to the survey, based on Brazil’s General Registry of the Employed and Unemployed (Caged), the sector lies behind 76 percent of the country’s job openings. The data cover November 2021.
For 15 months in a row, Sebrae reported, small investors have generated the majority of Brazil’s job spots. The monthly average for the period stands upwards of 70 percent of participation in the creation of new jobs.
Trade accounted for the opening of 116.7 thousand posts, followed by services (98.7 thousand), construction (16.7 thousand), and industry (15.2 thousand).
As for medium and large companies, most jobs were generated by firms in services (80.8 thousand), followed by trade (21.3 thousand). Farming, industry, and construction faced a negative balance for employment generation.