Collective action to negotiate debts starts in Brazil

Over the course of this month, indebted Brazilians will have the opportunity to improve their credit score. The second national round of debt negotiation and financial guidance this year is taking place from November 1–30, an action joined by the Central Bank, Brazilian bank federation Febraban, and consumer protection authorities.
The initiative provides the opportunity to renegotiate debts with discounts and installments that fit in people’s pocket. Individuals with overdue debts with banks and other types of financial institutions are invited to participate, as long as the debt is not linked to assets given as guarantee. Negotiations can be requested on the platform or through the direct online channels of participating institutions.
This year, the action should alert citizens about over-indebtedness and how to apply for renegotiation. Under the law, over-indebted citizens may renegotiate the overall value of the debt simultaneously with all creditors. This allows more advantageous agreements than negotiating one debt with each bank, the Central Bank argued.
According to the Central Bank, the debt of families with the National Financial System (SFN) reached 52.9 percent of the family income available in August. The indicator sank 0.4 percentage points from the previous month, but rose 3.5 points in 12 months.