Petrobras studies new offshore wind energy projects in Brazil

Brazil’s state-owned oil and gas giant Petrobras is going to consider seven wind energy projects off the Brazilian coast. Potential wind farms are located off the coast of the states of Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, and Rio Grande do Sul, and could generate 14.5 GW of energy. The assessment will be conducted alongside Equinor, a company active in the country since 2001, and should take into account technical, economic, and environmental scenarios.
“The agreement will pave the way for a new frontier of clean, renewable, energy in Brazil as it takes advantage of our country’s great offshore wind potential and propels us toward energy transition,” said Petrobras CEO Jean Paul Prates.
Energy transition
Petrobras intends to neutralize greenhouse gas emissions in activities under its control by 2050. Offshore wind power stands among the top priorities of the strategic plan for 2023–2027, and plays a key role in diversifying Brazil’s energy matrix.
Among its main advantages, the company reported, are the high speed and stability of offshore winds, which are not affected by natural geographic barriers or urban developments.