Rio university launches online center linking energy sector, academia

The Online Center for Low-Carbon Technological Solutions, an initiative launched Thursday (Jun. 15) by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), brings together companies in the energy sector and laboratories working on low-carbon solutions and financing institutions.
According to Suzana Kahn, deputy director at UFRJ’s Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute for Graduate Studies and Engineering Research (COPPE), low-carbon solutions can benefit various sectors of the economy, including steel mills, cement plants, and logistics in transportation companies, slashing greenhouse gas emissions.
One of the laboratories joining the center is LabOceano, which conducts research into the use of wave energy, like offshore wind generation, and ocean thermal energy, useful in the offshore oil industry.
“We have over 150 thousand square meters of laboratories. Many of them, built and funded with oil and gas research and development funds, are suited to energy solutions,” she remarked.
As this is a relatively new field, Kahn noted, knowledge about new low-carbon technology and renewable energy is still scant. To address this problem, the Online Center will offer distance learning courses. In their first module, starting in August, the focus should be on ocean energy.
The basic course for the general public is on climate change, also scheduled to begin in August. In October, two new programs are expected: biomaterials in construction and hydrogen.
In the debate entitled “Low-Carbon Technological Solutions: Abilities and a Vision into the Future,” held Thursday as part of the celebrations of COPPE’s 60th anniversary, executives from a number of energy businesses reached a consensus on the ties between corporations and academia.
“There’s a gap between working, thinking, and timing. This was identified as an issue that needs addressing because both can benefit. The industry benefits from the academic knowledge, and the university can join efforts in whatever challenges the company needs to overcome,” Kahn argued.