Petrobras to install 11 new pre-salt platforms by 2027

Petrobras plans to install 11 new platforms to produce oil and gas from pre-salt layers by 2027. Since December 2022, the state-run oil giant has brought two new facilities into production in the region—P-71, in the Itapu field, and FPSO Almirante Barroso, in the Búzios field—and intends to activate the third unit—FPSO Sepetiba, in the Mero field—by the end of this year.
FPSO stands for floating production, storage, and offloading platform. Unlike other platforms, FPSOs are installed on ships and do not have drilling equipment.
Considering the new projects plus the facilities currently in operation, the company expects to produce 3.1 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boed) in 2027, 2.4 million of which from pre-salt layers (wells under total control of Petrobras), which should account for 78 percent of the total output. In the case of operated production (Petrobras plus partners), the volume produced from pre-salt layers should to reach 3.6 million boed in 2027.
The company reported that the Strategic Plan for 2023–2027 included US$ 64 billion for investments in exploration and production. Approximately 67 percent of these funds will be earmarked for investments in pre-salt areas.
The Búzios field
According to Petrobras, Búzios, the world’s largest ultra-deepwater field, has shown excellent results. In June, the field reached a total production of 1 billion barrels of oil equivalent (boe), just five years after it began operations. For the sake of comparison, the Marlim field, in the Campos basin, took 11 years to attain the 1 billion–boe mark; and the pre-salt Tupi field, nine years.
“As it stands today, the Búzios field operates with five platforms, all of the FPSO type: P-74, P-75, P-76, P-77, and Almirante Barroso. The outlook for the future is promising. Of the 11 new platforms scheduled for the pre-salt until 2027, six will be destined for Búzios: FPSOs Almirante Tamandaré (scheduled for 2024); P-78 and P-79 (both for 2025); P-80 and P-82 (both for 2026), as well as P-83 (2027),” Petrobras declared.