Production of oil, natural gas hits record high in November

Brazil’s oil and natural gas production in November reached 4.698 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (MMboe/d), surpassing September’s 4.666 Mmboe/d. The announcement was published by the national oil agency, ANP.
Regarding oil, 3.678 million barrels per day (MMbbl/d) were extracted, up 3.8 percent from the previous month and 18.8 percent from November 2022. Natural gas production, in turn, stood at 162.12 million cubic meters per day (MMm³/d), up 6.3 percent compared to October 2023 and 15.5 percent compared to November 2022.
For both oil and natural gas, the volume extracted surpassed the September record, when 3.672 MMbbl/d and 157.99 MMm³/d were produced respectively. The figures can be found in the Monthly Oil and Natural Gas Production Bulletin for November 2023, released Thursday (Dec. 28).
Total pre-salt production (oil plus natural gas) in November amounted to 3.585 million barrels of oil equivalent per day and corresponded to 76.3 percent of the country’s output.
This figure is an increase of 4.2 percent on the previous month and 20.9 percent compared to the same month in 2022. A total of 2.825 million barrels per day of oil and 120.83 million cubic meters per day of natural gas were produced from 150 wells.
Natural gas
In November, the use of natural gas stood at 97.8 percent. As much as 56.58 million m³/d were made available to the market and flaring totaled 3.66 million m³/d. Also recorded were a drop of 1.8 percent in flaring compared to the previous month and a growth of 0.3 percent compared to November 2022.
In November, offshore fields produced 97.8 percent of the oil and 85.2 percent of the natural gas. The fields operated by Petrobras—alone or in consortium with other companies—accounted for 88.77 percent of the total produced. The output came from 6,477 wells, 537 of which offshore, 5,940 onshore.
Fields and facilities
In November, the Tupi field, in the pre-salt Santos basin, proved to be the largest producer of oil and gas, with 887.16 thousand bbl/d of oil and 43.87 million m³/d of natural gas. The unit with the highest oil and natural gas production was FPSO Guanabara in the Mero shared field, with 179.516 thousand bbl/d of oil and 11.63 million m³/d of gas.