Enem 2021: Gates are opened for the second day of the race

The gates of the test sites of the National Secondary Education Examination (Enem) 2021 were opened at noon. Today (28), the second day of assessment, students take math and nature science tests. The gates will close at 1pm. The exam will start at 1:30 pm and will be held in more than 1,700 cities in print and digital modalities.
Through social networks, the Minister of Justice and Public Security, Anderson Torres, informed that 100% of the pouches containing the evidence were fully distributed. The folder coordinated the work of the forces that work in Enem's security. The work was praised by the Minister of Education, Milton Ribeiro.
Candidates must be careful and not forget to bring a face mask, identity document and black ink ballpoint pen made of transparent material, mandatory items in the exam.
On Sunday (21), the first day of Enem , students took the language, humanities and writing tests. Altogether, 74% of the 3.1 million applicants attended the exam.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.