Enem results will be released on February 11

The results of the exams of the National Secondary Education Examination (Enem) 2021 will be released on February 11th of next year. The date was confirmed by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), responsible for carrying out the exam, during a press conference.
According to the president of Inep, Danilo Dupas, attendance this Sunday (28), the second day of tests, was 70%. Dupas also confirmed that the deadline is open for students who did not attend the test sites due to logistical problems or infectious diseases, such as covid-19, to request the reapplication of Enem 2021, through the participant's page on the Ineo website .
During the press conference, the Federal Police delegate, Cléo Mazzotti, reported that 31 arrest warrants were served at the test sites. The targets were people accused of drug trafficking, imprisonment and vulnerable rape, among other crimes. Two people were arrested for attempting to use an electronic point at two test sites.
The transport of the pouches with the evidence was completed across the country, by post, in two hours and 41 minutes.
In the evaluation of the Minister of Education, Milton Ribeiro, Brazilian society and education gained from the realization of Enem.
"It came out winning because, as expected, and we had said, the Enem issue would have all the seriousness, all the transparency and all the competence, which belongs to the MEC, Correios and Federal Police servers," he said. The official feedback and the issue notebooks will be released the day after tomorrow (1st) by Inep.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.