Today is the last day to pay the Revalida 2021 registration fee

Today (1st) is the last day for payment of the registration fee for the second stage of the National Examination for Revalidation of Medical Diplomas Issued by a Foreign Higher Education Institution (Revalida) 2021. The bank slip must be generated by the examination system and paid respecting bank clearing hours.
According to the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), registration will be confirmed upon payment, which can be made at any bank, post office or lottery office, following the criteria established by these correspondents.
Clinical skills tests will be applied on December 18th and 19th. To participate in the second stage, which is a practical exam, it is necessary to have passed the first stage, which included the objective and discursive tests.
The final results of this last phase were released last Friday (19). Revalida 2020 participants who pass the theoretical test and fail in practice can also enroll in this second stage of Revalida 2021 and continue the exam.
Altogether, there are 7,280 available places, distributed among the 22 application cities. They are: Aracaju (SE), Belém (PA), Belo Horizonte (MG), Brasília (DF), Campina Grande (PB), Campo Grande (MS), Curitiba (PR), Fortaleza (CE), Florianópolis (SC) , Goiânia (GO), João Pessoa (PB), Maceió (AL), Manaus (AM), Niterói (RJ), Pelotas (RS), Porto Alegre (RS), Salvador (BA), São Luís (MA), São Paulo (SP), Santa Maria (RS), Teresina (PI) and Uberlândia (MG).
According to Inep, in the second stage, participants will take clinical skills tests. The exam is structured by a set of ten stations, which will be covered over the two days of tests, in which the doctors will have to carry out specific tasks in the determined areas. This can include investigation of clinical history, interpretation of tests, formulation of diagnostic hypotheses, demonstration of medical procedures, counseling to patients or family members, among others.
The participant approved in this stage will be able to proceed with the revalidation of the medical diploma with one of the partner universities of the exam. After the disclosure of the final result, the list of institutions will be made available in the Revalida System. If the participant fails the second stage, he can re-enroll directly in it, for the next two editions of the exam.
Applied by Inep since 2011, Revalida seeks to subsidize the revalidation, in Brazil, of the graduation diploma in medicine issued abroad. The exam consists of two stages (theoretical and practical) that address, in an interdisciplinary way, the five major areas of medicine: clinical medicine, surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, pediatrics and family and community medicine (collective health).
Text translated using artificial intelligence.