Brazil to encourage consumption of organic products

Brasília - The federal government launched a campaign on Thursday (Jan. 16) called "Brasil Orgânico e Sustentável" ("Organic and Sustainable Brazil"), designed to promote healthy eating habits and marketing and consumption of organic and family farming products in the 12 FIFA World Soccer Cup 2014 host cities.
The campaign is part of the environment and sustainability federal government agenda for the Cup and aims to create a more structured production chain, create jobs and income generation, and protect the environment.
The Minister of Social Development and Fight against Hunger, Tereza Campello, explained: “After the great job we did at the Rio+20 Conference in 2012, linking the economic, social and environmental aspects, we want to repeat this in the World Cup, which will provide a great opportunity to discuss sustainable consumption. We want to promote consumption of organic products and strengthen our agroecological chains. The World Cup is the opportunity to take a leap forward into the sustainable agenda”.
Translated by Augusto Queiroz
Fonte: Brazil to encourage consumption of organic products