Former Petrobras executive and 17 other suspects arrested

The Federal Police (PF) confirmed Friday (Nov. 14) that Renato Duque, former Director of Services for Petrobras, was arrested along with another 17 people as a result of Operation Car Wash (Operação Lava Jato). An additional six bench arrest warrants were served for contempt of court. The suspects not found by the authorities were blacklisted by Federal Police and are not allowed to leave the country.
Altogether, more than 300 Federal Police and 50 IRS officers participated in the police operation.
According to the Police, executives from seven major contracts in the country were found by police to have suspicious conduct over the past weeks, apparently in anticipation of the fact that they were targeted by police investigations. According to Federal Police Commissioner Igor Romário de Paula, who is in charge of the operation, these people were found to have been spending nights out of their homes and traveling often. He denied any information leaks. “Some were often going abroad or staying at hotels and apartments other than their fixed place of residence. This became proven today when some of them were found in other cities.”
Also according to the Federal Police, the executives arrested Friday were directly involved in contracts signed with Petrobras. Other targets of the operation had minor roles or were involved in channeling resources obtained illegally to currency dealers, who then used them in money laundering operations.
In total, phase 7 of Operation Car Wash resulted in 85 warrants issued and the freezing of approximately $275 million in assets owned by 36 suspects. The entire worth in assets of three businesses were also blocked.
The investigated groups reported atypical transactions in excess of $3.8 billion, according to the Council for Financial Activity Control (COAF). The suspects will be prosecuted for criminal organization, collusion, bid-rigging, and money laundering.
Altogether, more than 300 Federal Police and 50 IRS officers participated in the police operation.
Translated by Mayra Borges
Fonte: Former Petrobras executive and 17 other suspects arrested