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Wearing condoms to prevent Zika when pregnant “sensible”, says health minister

“A number of cases have been reported of women catching the virus from
Aline Leal reports from Agência Brasil
Published on 10/03/2016 - 08:57
Referentes ao período de 2006 a 2015, os dados tornam o Brasil o sétimo da América do Sul no quesito taxa de gravidez adolescente
© Arquivo/MDS
Brasília O ministro da saúde, Marcelo Castro, participa de mais uma etapa da campanha nacional de combate ao mosquito Aedes aegypti, com alunos do colégio Ciman no setor Octogonal, em Brasília (Marcelo Camargo/A

Health Minister Marcelo CastroMarcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

Health Minister Marcelo Castro endorsed the World Health Organization's recommendation for pregnant women to use condoms when having sex with partners who have been in Zika-endemic areas as “sensible”.

“A number of cases have been reported of women catching the virus from partners that have been to places with Zika outbreaks,” Castro said Wednesday (Mar. 9). According to WHO Director-General Margaret Chan, sexual transmission of the virus is more common than previously thought.

The organization has recommended that pregnant women avoid traveling to countries where Zika is circulating. “Brazil is endemic and we are not telling our pregnant women to stay away from certain places within the country, but we do strongly encourage them to take precautions. This applies to anyone in Brazil—whether they are nationals or visitors,” the minister said.

Translated by Mayra Borges

Fonte: Wearing condoms to prevent Zika when pregnant “sensible”, says health minister