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Project launched to improve health in Brazil's prisons

The Health and Social Care in Prisons project is set to benefit
Michèlle Canes reports from Agência Brasil
Published on 29/06/2016 - 09:41
Presídios em Pernambuco
© Picasa

O presidente do STF, Ricardo Lewandowski, em sessão plenária (José Cruz/Agência Brasil))

Head of the National Council of Justice (CNJ) and Chief Justice at the Supreme Court (STF), Ricardo LewandowskiJosé Cruz/Agência Brasil

As the head of the National Council of Justice (CNJ) and Chief Justice at the Supreme Court (STF), Ricardo Lewandowski launched a Health and Social Care in Prisons project on Tuesday (Jun. 28). The project is targeted at inmates, their families, and prison officers.

“There are virtually twice as many inmates as the prison cells are designed to accommodate, so one can easily guess the dire health conditions there,” the Chief Justice said at the launch event.

According to the CNJ, the project will allow judges to include provisions on health and social care initiatives for inmates in the sentences they pass. This should also expand the role of judges, Lewandowski pointed out.

CNJ Coordinator Luís Lanfredi said he expects prison standards to improve. The project should include, for example, health tests at prison admission. “Today, when inmates go to jail, they don't even get the chance to take health tests. This means they don't know their physical and mental health state when they enter the prison environment,” he said.

Translated by Mayra Borges

Fonte: Project launched to improve health in Brazil's prisons