Michel Temer to deliver opening address at UN General Assembly

President Michel Temer is in São Paulo to spend part of the weekend before flying to New York, where he will speak at the opening of the UN General Assembly. In São Paulo, he will have no official engagements.
The president is expected to arrive in the United States on Sunday (Sept. 18). He will attend a meeting on migrants and refugees on Monday (19) called by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
He will also have two meetings with foreign business leaders, like he had during a seminar with investors while visiting China earlier this month.
In New York, he will take the opportunity to give the UN the documents of the Paris Agreement ratified by the Brazilian government last Monday (12).
Bilateral meetings are also on the agenda. So far, meetings with the heads of state of Nigeria, Portugal, and Uruguay have been confirmed, but there are other requests from Peru, Israel, and Palestine leaders.
The theme of the 71st UN General Assembly is “The Sustainable Development Goals: a universal push to transform our world.” Brazil will open the general debate, in keeping with the tradition that began with Brazilian diplomat Oswaldo Aranha in 1947.
Translated by Mayra Borges
Fonte: Michel Temer to deliver opening address at UN General Assembly