Daylight saving time starts on October 16 in Brazil
Next October 16 starts the Brazilian daylight saving time, and clocks should be advanced by one hour in the South, Southeast, and Central-West regions of the country. This year, clocks shall be adjusted from October 16 to February 19.
The measure adopted in Brazil since 1931 aims to reduce the energy use in the country, consuming a lower amount of energy during peak times of the day (from 6 pm to 9 pm), due to greater use of natural light. Thus, the use of electricity generated by thermal power plants can be avoided, which reduces the cost of electricity generation.
Last year, daylight saving time resulted in savings of about $50 million, according to the National Electric System Operator. The savings were achieved because there was no need to increase electricity produced by thermal power plants to ensure the country's energy supply during peak times.
Translated by Amarílis Anchieta
Fonte: Daylight saving time starts on October 16 in Brazil