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Mining giant fined for toxic spill in Amazon Rainforest

Hydro Alunorte is regarded as a leading producer of alumina, from
Pedro Rafael Villela reports from Agência Brasil
Published on 01/03/2018 - 17:51
Secretaria de Meio Ambiente do Pará monitora níveis das bacias do sistema de tratamento de rejeitos nas instalações da mineradora Hydro Alunorte, acusada de ser responsável por um vazamento em Barcarena
© Igor Brandão/Agência Pará

The Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama) ordered Wednesday (Feb. 28) the interruption of operations at the solid waste storage unit and draining pipelines in the industrial area where the Hydro Alunorte refining plant is located, in Barcarena, Pará state, part of the Brazilian Amazon Forest region.

A report put together last week by the Evandro Chagas Institute, linked to Brazil's Health Ministry, demonstrated an overflow of effluent the week before, which led to the discharge of an uncertain amount of toxic waste into the environment.

Moradores das comunidades de Bom Futuro, Vila Nova e Burajuba, em Barcarena, recebem os primeiros garrafões de água potável

The families affected have been given drinking water since last Friday.Agência Pará

According to the document, the spill posed health risks to locals from at least three nearby communities. The families affected have been given drinking water since Friday (Feb. 23), in compliance with a ruling by state authorities. The case had been reported by residents themselves, who noticed a change in the color of streams and a river.

Hydro Alunorte is reported to have been handed two fines, of $3 million each—one for carrying out a potentially pollutant activity without the proper license, and another for operating draining pipelines, also with no license. The deposit and the pipelines are structures that caused the leakage.


Norwegian Hydro Alunorte is regarded as the world's leader in the production of alumina, from which aluminum is produced. It has been active with a plant in Barcarena since 1995. The firm denies any leakage or overflow of solid waste stemming from production. The company argues that most of its production (86%) is directed at the international market, and supplies ten countries.

After being contacted by Agência Brasil, the mining giant said it is currently “considering Ibama's decision, and the necessary measures to implement it, as well as its possible impact on activities.”

Translated by Fabrício Ferreira

Fonte: Mining giant fined for toxic spill in Amazon Rainforest