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Gov’t makes daily inspection on dams like Brumadinho’s mandatory

Non-complying firms may be fined and dams closed down
Luciano Nascimento
Published on 12/02/2019 - 14:28
Militares israelenses e equipes de resgate brasileiras durante buscas por vítimas em Brumadinho, onde uma barragem da mineradora Vale se rompeu.
© Washington Alves/Reuters/Direitos reservados
Equipes de resgate durante buscas por vítimas em Brumadinho, onde uma barragem da mineradora Vale se rompeu.
© Adriano Machado/Reuters/Direitos reservados

Brazil’s National Mining Agency (ANM) ordered that mining companies must carry out daily inspections on tailings dams like that of Brumadinho, which collapsed on January 25 leaving 160 dead and 160 missing up to now.

The data from the inspection must be sent to the Integrated System Mining Dam Security. Firms that fail to comply with the ruling unveiled Monday (Feb. 11) may be fined and dams closed down.

The companies that own this kind of dam will have to produce a Dam Stability Condition Statement (DCE) in up to 30 days.  The certificate must take into account all studies necessary for vouching for the good conditions of the facilities.

Furthermore, firms will have to avail themselves of indirect methods, like geophysics and microseismics on the dam, the reservoir, and the unit’s influence area. Also stipulated was the installation of sirens in these dams by April 30.

The agency also released other orders, effective for all dams of all types. Companies will have to describe the measures adopted after the Brumadinho dam collapse for security risks and potential damage. Data must be sent in three days, and the companies have to update their Emergency Plan for Mining Dam Assistance, including the support for enterprises in dams’ influence areas, in 15 days.