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Work of Brazil firefighters in Mozambique extended to May 7

Efforts included hospital restoration and setting up health care tents
Agência Brasil
Published on 18/04/2019 - 15:09
Força Nacional de Segurança Pública atuará em Moçambique. Vinte bombeiros auxiliarão no resgate das vítimas do ciclone Idai que atingiu mais de 1,8 milhão de pessoas.
© Divulgação Ministério da Justiça
Força Nacional de Segurança Pública atuará em Moçambique. Vinte bombeiros auxiliarão no resgate das vítimas do ciclone Idai que atingiu mais de 1,8 milhão de pessoas.
© Divulgação Ministério da Justiça

The work of Brazilian National Force agents in Mozambique was extended until May 7. The decision was made official Thursday (Apr. 18). Since April 1, 20 firefighters of the Brazilian National Force have been on a humanitarian mission to help the over 1.8 million Mozambicans affected by Cyclone Idai.

Aeronaves da FAB pousaram em Moçambique transportando mais de 20 toneladas de suprimentos e equipamentos, além de 40 militares da Força Nacional e do Bombeiros de Minas Gerais para ajuda às vítimas do Ciclone Idai.
In these 18 days of operations, the National Force is reported to have helped restore hospital roofs, set up 60 tents for people forced our of their homes, and demarcate a settlement for 573 homeless families.- Divugação Força Aérea Brasileira


In these 18 days of operations, the National Force is reported to have helped restore hospital roofs, set up 60 tents for people forced our of their homes, and demarcate a settlement for 573 homeless families. “The victims were given vaccines against cholera, food parcels, and kits with clothes for newborns, camping tents, and sleeping bags.”

Next, the military agents will work in the reconstruction of the roof of the surgery ward of the Central Hospital in Beira city, join the efforts to prevent and fight malaria and set up tents for health stations—initiatives managed by the World Health Organization, Mozambique’s Ministry of Health, with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

*With information from the Justice Ministry news website