Concessions should double railroads in the country in 15 years, says minister

The government started to adopt a new, faster and more bureaucratic concession model. It is the authorization, an instrument already provided for in Brazilian legislation, but little used. This model is now being used to take a leap forward in the rail modal. Who explains how this will work is the minister of Infrastructure, Tarcísio Gomes de Freitas. He is this Sunday 's interviewee for the program Brasil em Pauta , on TV Brasil .
According to the minister, the initial forecast was for 8 requests for the new type of concession. But, to the ministry's surprise, there are already 35 requests for authorization, which should represent around 9,000 kilometers of railways and R$ 120 billion in investments. “It's an unprecedented railway push in our history,” said Freitas. The expectation is that the railways, which represent 20% of Brazilian modes, will double their presence in 15 years, going to 40% in 15 years. "We should reduce the Brazil cost by 30%."
The minister also spoke about expected auctions such as those for the Santos Dumont (RJ) and Congonhas (SP) airports. “To give you an idea, the Rio-São Paulo air bridge is the fourth busiest route on the planet. We will have the largest airport operators in the world. Operators of different nationalities. Some already positioned in Brazil, others not yet. But for sure we will bring a lot of investment and a lot of quality to the management of these assets”, he said.
Brasil em Pauta airs at 10 pm this Sunday (28) on TV Brasil .
Text translated using artificial intelligence.