PF arrests 15 more accused of participating in robbery in Araçatuba

The Federal Police arrested today (16) another 15 people accused of participating in bank robberies in Araçatuba, in the interior of São Paulo, in August of this year. In all, 32 people accused of the mega robbery have already been arrested.
Today's action was supported by the São Paulo Military Police and involved 90 federal agents. In addition to arrests, 21 search and seizure actions were carried out in the cities of Araçatuba (SP), Osasco (SP), Campinas (SP), Santo André (SP), Guarulhos (SP), Monte Mor (SP), Foz do Iguaçu (PR) and in the capital of São Paulo.
The Federal Police has been working to identify the different nuclei that participated in the action. According to the investigations, criminals are divided by functions, with those responsible for monitoring the action of the police, those who purchase vehicles to carry out the robbery and escape, and those who only finance the crime, sharing in later profits.
The PF estimates that, at different levels of participation, including those who actually carried out the robbery, around 50 people are involved in the crime.
The assault
In the early morning hours of August 30, a group attacked two bank branches – one of Banco do Brasil and the other of Caixa Econômica Federal – in Araçatuba, in the interior of São Paulo, with explosives. Thieves also spread explosives throughout the city.
During the escape, there was an exchange of fire with the police and hostages were used as a shield, even placed on the hoods of the gang's cars. Three people, including two assailants, were killed in the action and three were injured.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.