PF operation investigates the deaths of two Indians

In order to investigate the authorship and circumstances of two homicides that took place in the Serrinha Indigenous Land, in the municipality of Ronda Alta, in Rio Grande do Sul, on October 16 this year, the Federal Police (PF) broke out this Thursday morning. Thursday (9) Operation Kãgtén.
According to the investigation, approximately 20 Indians, who had been expelled from the community, were gathered to protest against Serrinha's leadership, when they were surprised by an armed group linked to the cacicado, who fired at the demonstrators, killing two. The others, even pursued under fire, managed to escape.
In addition to the shooting attack, the aggressors also ransacked the establishment where the protesters were meeting, known as Recanto do Inácio, and set fire to four vehicles left by the victims.
The federal police, with the support of the Military Brigade, have served since early morning in the Serrinha Indigenous Land and in the city of Ronda Alta, nine preventive arrest warrants and 16 search and seizure warrants, at the addresses of the investigated. The court orders were issued by the Federal Court in Passo Fundo.
According to information from the PF, Serrinha Indigenous Land, with a population of approximately 3,500 Indians, has, in recent years, a history of successive violent clashes. In 2017, the then chief was murdered in an ambush.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.