PF takes action against social security fraud in Rio de Janeiro

The Federal Police (PF) is serving today (1st) four preventive arrest warrants and eight search and seizure warrants against those accused of social security fraud in two simultaneous operations. Operation Falsum Identiatis has served warrants in Rio City and is investigating a criminal group specializing in falsifying identity documents to obtain improper benefits.
Operation Patrons, on the other hand, investigates the possible participation of lawyers and agents in obtaining fraudulent pensions at the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). The scheme works through the forgery of documents that simulate a marital bond between deceased people and those benefiting from fraud. The warrants are being fulfilled in the cities of Nova Iguaçu and Belford Roxo, in the Baixada Fluminense, in addition to the city of Rio.
According to the PF, the dismantling of criminal groups avoided a loss of R$ 20 million to public coffers. The operations are supported by the State Nucleus of the General Coordination of Social Security and Labor Intelligence in the State of Rio de Janeiro, an agency linked to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.