President participates in forró recognition ceremony

President Jair Bolsonaro participated today (13) in the ceremony to recognize forró as a cultural heritage of Brazil. The event was also held in posthumous tribute to singer Luiz Gonzaga, the King of Baião, who died in 1989 and would turn 109 years old.
Last week, in a unanimous decision, the Cultural Heritage Advisory Council of the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (Iphan) declared the traditional matrices of forró as Brazil's Cultural Heritage.
At the ceremony, Bolsonaro signed a document that makes the traditional Forró matrix among immaterial goods. In honor of forró artists, the title was given to singer and composer Alcimar Monteiro.
In the assessment of the Minister of Tourism, Gilson Machado, forró has always been considered the country's cultural heritage, but was not officially recognized.
“I didn't have access to public policy, couldn't receive funds as you can today, couldn't be disclosed abroad as it deserved by Embratur and the federal government,” he said.
The president of Iphan, Larissa Peixoto, highlighted that forró is part of Brazil's identity and represents the mixture of races that make up the country.
“This request [for recognition] was made ten years ago and only now has it become a reality, after a lot of work”, he declared.
The Special Secretary for Culture, Mário Frias, said that the work in the area is carried out to develop culture for the common man and favor the population.
“Our attitude is to provide an opportunity for artists such as Luiz Gonzaga, Dominguinhos and so many others to emerge, who never needed public funds to enchant our hearts and fill our souls,” he said.
The Cultural Heritage Advisory Board is made up of representatives from public, private and civil society institutions. The coordination is under the responsibility of the president of Iphan, Larissa Peixoto.
The board shall examine, consider and decide on matters relating to the registration and re-ratification of the registration of cultural property of a material nature, as well as registration and re-evaluation of the registration of cultural property of an immaterial nature. The agency is also responsible for deciding on the temporary departure from the country of goods protected by the Union, in addition to other issues relating to cultural heritage.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.