Survey reveals increase in food orders per app during pandemic

Web and app ordering of meals grew during the covid-19 pandemic. When performed at least once a week, this practice went from 40.5% before the pandemic to 66.1% during the public health emergency period. If only the act performed every day is considered, the index rose from 14.2% to 22.1%.
The data are in the Consumer Online in Brazil survey, carried out by the Edelman agency and promoted by the company PayPal. The study analyzed the delivery sector (deliveries) of restaurants in Brazil, using data up to this month as a reference.
For the post-pandemic period, the survey indicates a possible drop in this habit among Brazilians, but when those who intend to continue with this daily habit are considered, the percentage drops from 22.1% to 20%. The estimate of 57.8% of people heard is to keep the practice.
The most common means of payment for this type of order are credit cards (76.5%) and debit cards (64.1%), pix (49.5%), digital wallets (31.9%) and payment in money (11.6%).
Among those interviewed, 93.5% said they enjoyed the experience, 84% justified using the alternative to save time, 63.9% responded that they prefer to order food as a way to avoid contagion by the coronavirus and 68.6% expressed concern about the security of online payments. "The high intention of maintaining the habits of use of delivery , even with the reopening of bars and restaurants, proves how the shopping experience was positive for the consumer", assesses the head of New Business at PayPal Brazil, Haroldo Vieira.
online shopping
The survey also looked at people's relationship to online shopping in general. Among the positive aspects mentioned by the interviewees are practicality (98.3%), control over expenses (89.9%) and planning (87.6%). The smartphone is the most used device for online shopping (98.6%), followed by the smart TV (83.1%), the notebook (81.9%) and the desktop (51%).
Among the people consulted, 84.5% said they buy online and pay with digital means “often”, 98.8% said they enjoyed the experience, 68.2% said they know this type of transaction well; and 31.8% acknowledged that they still need to learn more.
One thousand men and women aged between 18 and 55 years old who made at least two online purchases in the period prior to the survey were interviewed.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.