Sixty-four beaches on the coast of Ceará state - northeastern Brazil – have registered oil stains, released Ceará Environment Secretary (Semace) on a note this Friday (Feb. 11).
Brazil Navy and the Institute of Marine Sciences, from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), have collected samples to analyze the origin of the oil. It is already known that it is not the same material found on the coastal strip in the same area in 2019, according to a study by the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) with the State University of Ceará (Uece).
On Friday (Feb. 11), the General Coordination of Environmental Emergencies of the Brazilian Institute for Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama) sent a Poseidon aircraft to monitor oil on the sea surface on Ceará coast, and the platforms of the Ceará-Potiguar basin. Poseidon is equipped with several sensors which detect oil at sea.
The state of Ceará reported that 4,000 liters of oil have been collected so far at the beaches of Aracati, Fortaleza, Caucaia, and Trairi.
According to the secretariat, the affected beaches must be cleaned as soon as possible, as this is a turtle spawning season.