Number of foreigners visiting Brazil rises 60% in 4 months

In the period between January and April this year, 962 thousand foreigners with tourist visas have entered Brazil. The number is 60 percent higher than the 596,7 thousand entries registered in the entire year of 2021.
The data from the International Traffic System (STI) of the Federal Police were released on Monday (30) by Embratur – the Brazilian Tourist Board.
The number is 685 percent higher when comparing the first four months of this year with the same period in 2021, when 122,600 foreigners entered the country, amid restrictions on tourism still in force in Brazil and in the rest of the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The figures confirm an accelerated recovery of the Brazilian tourism sector. The international air transport network, for example, registered 2,983 flights in April, up 191.21 percent compared to the same month in 2021.
The most significant increase has been reported in flights coming from Europe. In April this year, 921 flights were registered, compared to 219 in April last year. The number of seats, in this case, jumped from 71,704 to 280,410.
Despite the heating in the tourism sector, the Brazilian air transport network still operates with about 51 percent of its usual capacity recorded in 2019, before the pandemic.
A study carried out by the British consulting company Global Data, and released last week by Embratur indicates that international travels in Brazil and Latin America should return to pre-pandemic levels by 2024.