National Force allowed to be deployed in Amazonas

Brazil’s Ministry of Justice and Public Security authorized the National Force to be deployed in the fight against organized crime in the state of Amazonas, north Brazil, for 90 days.
The decision announced today (Jun 10) will enable federal to work in the fight against drug trafficking and environmental crimes in Operação Arpão (“Operation Harpoon”), in the middle Solimões region, along rivers Negro and Solimões.
The Amazonas state government, which requested the support, should provide the necessary logistics for the efforts.
The Base Arpão is a vessel moored on the Solimões River to support police operations in the region. The river base was inaugurated in August 2020 with the main objective of fighting drug trafficking. The infrastructure was funded by the federal government and houses operations with the state's civil and military police bodies, the Fire Department, the Federal Police, and the country's Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources, IBAMA.