Activities of 180 Brazil firms suspended over abusive telemarketing

A joint action between Brazil’s consumer defense authorities and the Ministry of Justice and Public Security today (Jul 18) led to the permanent suspension of the activities of 180 companies suspected of abusive telemarketing practices.
The initiative was joined by consumer protection agencies countrywide and aims to prevent unsolicited calls offering products and services. Most companies are believed to use data obtained illegally.
Standing atop the list of firms targeted by complaints on Brazilian consumer protection platform, telecom companies and financial institutions should also have their telemarketing activities suspended.
The decision came after consumers filed over 14 thousand reports under the country’s national data consumer defense system Sindec and, the ministry declared.
“In just one of the cases investigated, an elderly man claims to have received over 3 thousand telemarketing calls on all five telephone numbers he had,” the note from the ministry reads.
The firms in charge of the activities may have been involved in the illegal collection of personal data, authorities argued.
Should any of the 180 companies targeted fail to comply with the suspension, a BRL 1 thousand fine may be imposed, which may build up to BRL 13 million.