São Paulo starts setting up housing units for the homeless

The 350 housing units for homeless people in Vila Reencontro, in the Bom Retiro district, have started being delivered to São Paulo’s city government. In the first stage of the project, the dwellings are being installed in a 16 thousand square meter area.
Inspired by the model known in Europe and the US as Housing First, the initiative aims to ensure that the homeless have immediate access to housing.
Each unit has an 18m² area, including a bedroom, a kitchen, and a washroom. The dwellings delivered in the first phase will be primarily intended for families with and without children as well as elderly people living on the streets for at least two years. Each family will be able to live in the transitional housing unit for a period between 12 and 18 months.
“With integrated efforts from other departments—such as secretariats for Health Care and Labor—the work will be intensified to guarantee the autonomy of those benefited by the service in this period,” the city stated.
São Paulo Mayor Ricardo Nunes said 1,400 people may be accommodated “with a high level of quality” in the first stage, four in each unit. “In addition to the residences, we are also working to have here in Vila Reencontro all the infrastructure for the residents to take vocational courses and a community garden.”
Vila Reencontro will also have a basic health care unit and a restaurant under the state’s affordable food program, to serve a daily 2 thousand meals.