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Providers start activating 5G in Fortaleza, Natal, Recife

The signal is already available in 12 other Brazilian capitals
Agência Brasil
Published on 05/09/2022 - 13:37
Telefonia móvel 5G
© Marcello Casal JrAgência Brasil

Mobile operators today (Sep 5) will begin to activate the 5G signal in three more Brazilian state capitals: Fortaleza, in Ceará; Natal, in Rio Grande do Norte; and Recife, in Pernambuco. The approval for the gradual beginning of activities was announced by national telecom authority Anatel.

Under sector rules, Claro, Tim, and Vivo are to switch on a total of 102 5G stations in Fortaleza, 63 in Recife, and 33 in Natal by November 28.

Providers are also offering the new signal in 12 other state capitals.

The original schedule for 5G activation in Brazil stipulated that the signal should be available countrywide by the end of September, but in the first half of August, following a recommendation from the Group for Monitoring the Implementation of Solutions for Interference Problems (Gaispi), Anatel extended the deadline by two months due to a delay in equipment imports.

As a result, in the other 12 capital cities where the service is not yet available, companies will have until November 27 to power up the stations and start offering the signal.