Over 718 thousand int’l visitors have tickets for summer in Brazil

Brazil’s international tourism authority Embratur reported today (Oct. 28) that more than 718 thousand airline tickets to Brazil have been purchased overseas for December 2022 through March 2023.
The amount is still expected to grow, as 54 percent of international tickets to Brazil are bought less than two months in advance. “The summer in Brazil is without a doubt the most sought-after time among international tourists and, in 2022 and 2023, they are expected to return to the country in large numbers,” Embratur said in a statement.
Embratur also disclosed data from FowardKeys, a partner travel company of the World Travel and Tourism Council, regarding the recovery of international tourism in post-pandemic Brazil, adding that, "considering tickets to Brazil purchased by early October, the 2022 numbers are only 5.3 percent below those recorded in 2019 [before the pandemic]."
According to the agency, in the first nine months of the year alone, approximately 1.8 million travelers from around the world landed in Brazil with a tourist visa or on a tourism trip. The number, according to Embratur, is more than double the figure recorded in the whole of 2021, when 596.7 thousand foreigners visited the country.